Week 7 Reading Guide
God’s Justice and Worship
Exodus 21-31
Big Idea: God gives Israel laws for justice and righteousness, as well as instructions for the tabernacle, where His presence will dwell among them. These laws and the tabernacle point forward to Jesus, who perfectly fulfilled God’s law and became the true dwelling place of God with humanity. Through Him, we are invited into God’s presence—not through sacrifices and rituals, but through His finished work on the cross.
Reading Plan
Monday: Exodus 21-22 (Laws about Justice and Mercy)
Tuesday: Exodus 23 (Sabbath Laws and the Promise of God’s Presence)
Wednesday: Exodus 24-25 (Covenant Confirmed and Instructions for the Tabernacle)
Thursday: Exodus 26-27 (Tabernacle Design and Altar of Burnt Offering)
Friday: Exodus 28-29 (Priestly Garments and Consecration of Priests)
Saturday: Exodus 30-31 (Altar of Incense, Sabbath, and God’s Spirit)
Weekly DNA Questions
What do the laws in Ex. 21-22 teach about God’s heart for justice, mercy, and fairness?
How does the Tabernacle’s design reflect God’s holiness and desire to dwell with His people?
What is the significance of the Sabbath in God’s covenant with Israel (Ex. 31:12-17)?
How do you wrestle with the concept of justice in your life? Are there times you struggle to extend mercy?
How does the idea of God dwelling among His people challenge or encourage you in your faith?
What distractions keep you from experiencing God’s Sabbath rest and provision?
Identify an area of your life where you can actively seek justice or extend mercy to someone this week.
Create a small sacred space in your home or schedule time to intentionally dwell in God’s presence daily.
Set aside a full day or significant portion of time this week to rest and worship, honoring the principle of Sabbath.
Key Verse: Exodus 25:8
They are to make a sanctuary for me so that I may dwell among them.
Reflection for the Week
How do the laws given to Israel reveal God’s justice and holiness? In what ways does the tabernacle foreshadow Jesus as the true meeting place between God and humanity? Reflect on how Jesus makes it possible for you to live in God’s presence every day. How does this shape your worship and your daily walk with Him?
Bible Project Videos
Exodus 19-40 Overview: Explains the themes of covenant and God’s presence in the latter half of Exodus.
Moses and Aaron: the beginnings of Israel’s failed priesthood and the need for a royal priest who will offer his life for his people.
Sabbath: Explores the biblical theme of Sabbath and its importance in resting and trusting in God.