
Jesus is the head of every church that claims the name of Jesus and claims its identity from his work of redemption through his death and resurrection. Jesus is the first and chief shepherd, who calls his people to safety, who protects them amid danger, who restores life and refreshes the soul. It is Jesus who promises the Holy Spirit to people, and it is Jesus who breathes the Spirit into spiritually dead people and creates spiritually alive, fruitful people. It is in him that we are reborn, and it is by him and through him that we grow into a mature people marked by the Fruit of the Spirit, those characteristics of self-giving, self-sacrifice, love for God, and love for others. He is not only the author of faith; he is the sustainer of faith. Jesus is the unquestioned leader of the church, without whom there would be no church. We also believe that he continues to lead actively and powerfully today. As a result, every action, every movement, must be in response to that leading.


Our Elders serve as spiritual parents over the church, who work to protect the mission, vision, and theological foundation of the church. The elders’ primary purpose is to wisely and prayerfully set forward the spiritual direction of the church, and to equip the members of the church to partner in the mission of the church in their spiritual fitness. In addition, the Elders are to discern spiritual maturity, protect against false teaching, and set an example for other believers of what real spiritual maturity looks like.