Home Groups

Home Groups are the primary way we live life together at Creekside Church. Our groups take their cues from the early church described in the book of Acts, chapter 2: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Home groups exist for people to know one another and be known as we follow Jesus together.

Our groups typically meet weekly in homes throughout Shasta County, where we spend time together sharing food, discussing the Scriptures, praying, and looking for opportunities to serve one another and the community. The groups consist of around fifteen people. Our hope is that the relationships that form at group will grow to transcend the once-per-week, two-hour meeting and spill over into the ongoing rhythms of life.


Over and over again, Jesus implores people to do the same thing: "follow me." But what does that mean? What does it mean to call yourself a follower of Jesus? How do we follow, and--perhaps just as important--what hinders us from following well? We invite you to connect with a member of Creekside to explore more about following Jesus. To find out how, email us at info@creeksidechurch.life and listen to the FOLLOW message series to get the full scoop.

You say you’ve already walked through FOLLOW, and are ready to help others do the same? Sign up to become a FOLLOW mentor!

Bible Studies

Our church hosts a number of community life groups that meet here on campus. Come join us as we learn and grow together! Some classes also provide childcare – be sure to check the group details for more information.