Pause in the Presence of Jesus
From the first pages of the Bible, God urges his creations to rest (Hebrew: shabbat) from work. As humans, we are constantly distracted by the pursuit of success and personal happiness—Abraham Herschel calls it “the conquest of space at the expense of time.” Sunday, for us, is an act of resistance to the bonding of hurry and busyness, and rest in the presence of God. He is our healer, our provider, the end of our every pursuit.
Worship Gathering
Join us as we sing, read Scripture, pray with and for one another, share how God has worked in and through us throughout the week, and hear the good news of Jesus, God-made-flesh, who heals our sin-sick souls and reunites us with our Creator.
DNA Groups
Embedded in our DNA are the core traits and qualities that make you who you are, at the very deepest level. We want our DNA to be the gospel message of redemption, and so we meet together to ask questions, share struggles, and build each other up as we embed Jesus into everything we are and everything we do.
Youth (MS/HS)
We believe that kids are not the future of the church; they are the church. Most of the life of the community involves members of all ages. On Sundays, we offer an age specific breakout group to discuss the message together, to talk about life, and to pray together for one another.
Sundays are for everyone, whether you are a lifetime follower of Jesus or a first-time visitor with more questions than answers. No matter your background, you will be seen, welcomed, and loved.
No dress code here. Most people show up just as they are, and we love that! But, if a suit and tie are your thing, we'll honor that, too.
Our Sunday Morning Gathering is for all ages, so bring them along! Church for us is family, and sometimes families are loud and chaotic. No judgment from us! If, however, your kids need a moment to get there wiggles out, we have our Fig Tree with a video cast, coffee for you, and room to roam for the rest.