Jacob Parodi Jacob Parodi

Week 6 Reading Guide

A Covenant of Grace

Exodus 12-20

Big Idea: God delivers His people through the blood of the Passover lamb, parts the Red Sea, and brings them to Mount Sinai to establish a covenant relationship. The Ten Commandments reveal God's holy character and His desire for His people to reflect Him in their lives. This covenant points forward to the Gospel, where Jesus fulfills the law on our behalf and makes a new covenant through His blood, enabling us to live as God’s redeemed people.

Reading Plan

Monday: Exodus 12-13 (The First Passover and the Exodus Begins)

Tuesday: Exodus 14 (The Parting of the Red Sea)

Wednesday: Exodus 15-16 (Songs of Deliverance and God’s Provision of Manna)

Thursday: Exodus 17-18 (Water from the Rock and Jethro’s Wisdom)

Friday: Exodus 19-20 (God’s Covenant at Sinai and the Ten Commandments)

Saturday: Reflection and catch-up; revisit passages, meditate on the week’s themes.


Weekly DNA Questions


  • How does the Passover (Exod. 12) foreshadow Jesus’ sacrifice for our deliverance?

  • What does the parting of the Red Sea teach us about God’s power and faithfulness?

  • How do the Commandments (Exod. 20) reveal God’s design for a holy and just society?


  • When have you experienced God’s deliverance in a difficult situation? How did it strengthen your trust in Him?

  • Are there areas in your life where you struggle to trust God’s provision, as Israel did in the wilderness?

  • How does God’s covenant at Sinai challenge you to live in a way that reflects His holiness and love?


  • Identify one way you can remember and celebrate God’s deliverance in your life, similar to how Israel observed the Passover.

  • Trust God’s provision by giving up something you typically rely on and relying on Him for strength or sustenance this week.

  • Choose one of the Ten Commandments to focus on living out in your daily life.

Key Verse: Exodus 19:5-6

Now if you will carefully listen to me and keep my covenant, you will be my own possession out of all the peoples, although the whole earth is mine, and you will be my kingdom of priests and my holy nation.

Reflection for the Week

How does God’s rescue of Israel through the Passover and the Red Sea point to the greater rescue through Jesus? How do the Ten Commandments show our need for a Savior? Reflect on how Jesus’ fulfillment of the law enables you to live in freedom and obedience. How can your life reflect God’s holiness and grace to others today?

Bible Project Videos

Exodus 1-18 Overview: Covers the Passover, the Exodus, and God’s deliverance at the Red Sea.

Exodus 19-40 Overview: Focuses on God’s covenant at Sinai and the giving of the Law.

Covenants: Explains the biblical concept of covenant and its significance throughout Scripture.

Biblical Law: A thematic video discussing the purpose of the Law and how it points to Jesus.

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