Jacob Parodi Jacob Parodi

Week 5 Reading Guide

God’s Deliverance Begins

Exodus 1-11 

Big Idea: God hears the cries of His people and begins His rescue plan to deliver them from slavery in Egypt. Through the plagues and the first Passover, God reveals His power to save and His justice against evil. The blood of the lamb that protected Israel foreshadows Jesus, the Lamb of God, whose blood brings ultimate deliverance from sin and death. 

Reading Plan

Monday: Exodus 1-2 (Israel’s Oppression and Moses’ Birth)

Tuesday: Exodus 3-4 (God Calls Moses at the Burning Bush)

Wednesday: Exodus 5-6 (Moses Confronts Pharaoh; God’s Promises of Deliverance)

Thursday: Exodus 7-8 (The First Plagues: Blood, Frogs, Gnats, and Flies)

Friday: Exodus 9-10 (The Plagues Continue: Livestock, Boils, Hail, and Locusts)

Saturday: Exodus 11 (The Final Plague Foretold: Death of the Firstborn)

Weekly DNA Questions


  • What do the early chapters of Exodus reveal about God’s awareness of human suffering and His plan to act?

  • How does Moses’ reluctance at the burning bush (Exodus 3-4) reflect both human weakness and God’s sufficiency?

  • What does the escalating intensity of the plagues teach us about God’s power and purpose?


  • Have you ever felt like God was silent during a time of suffering? How do passages like Exodus 2:23-25 bring you hope?

  • What fears or doubts hold you back from following God’s call, like Moses in Exodus 4?

  • How do you respond when you see God’s power at work in your life or the world?


  • Pray this week for someone experiencing oppression or suffering, asking for God’s deliverance in their life.

  • Reflect on an area where you feel reluctant to obey God’s call. Commit to taking one small step of faith this week.

  • Share with your group how God has shown His power in your life and use that testimony to encourage someone.


Key Verse: Exodus 3:7

Then the Lord said, “I have observed the misery of my people in Egypt, and have heard them crying out because of their oppressors. I know about their sufferings.”

Reflection for the Week

How does God’s rescue of Israel reveal His character as both just and merciful? In what ways does the Passover point to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross? Reflect on how Jesus’ blood covers and redeems you. How does this truth give you confidence to trust God for deliverance in your own life and proclaim His saving power to others?

Bible Project Videos

Exodus 1-18 Overview: Provides a thematic overview of Israel’s deliverance and God’s covenant faithfulness.

The Character of God: Compassion: Explores how God’s actions in Exodus reveal His compassion for the oppressed and His justice against evil.

Justice: Discusses the biblical understanding of justice and how God works to bring freedom and restoration.

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