COVID-19 Update

In light of recent events, communities of Jesus followers around the world have had to ask this difficult question: What happens when the church can no longer gather like it always has? The leadership at First Baptist Church has been asking this very question. We want desperately want to gather together, because we believe that there is power in a community sharing together, loving one another, worshiping their Creator, and experiencing the grace of Jesus together. And yet, in the midst of a global pandemic, gathering in a group of 100, or 50, or even 30 becomes potentially dangerous, foolish, and even unloving should we put others at risk.

At the same time, it is not good for us to be alone.

While many church have gone the route of live-streaming services and doing “church” in isolation, we want to continue serving, loving, and sharing with one another as long as we are able. So, here’s the plan:


Until further notice, First Baptist Church will be canceling Sunday morning gatherings, including the morning Bible Study and Worship service. Instead, many of our members are opening up their homes to create 5-6 intimate gatherings of 10 or less on Sunday mornings to meet together, worship together, learn together, and pray together. These groups are informal and a simple, so come as you are! We hope to reach out to as many of you as possible, but use the map below if you need to find a group near you. If you are sick or high-risk and in self-quarantine, we understand if you need to go it alone—follow the pattern below to stay connected with us (and let us know how we can help!).

How It Works
None of this needs to be very difficult. You can choose to eat lunch together, but that's not necessary. You can have coffee or snacks for everyone, but it's up to you. Here are some simple steps to help you through the house church experience:

  1. Worship together. We will post a weekly YouTube playlist on the homepage, but if someone in your group plays an instrument and can lead the group in singing a few songs, do it! If not, feel free to sing something acapella or sing along to a recording. But you don't even have to sing to worship together. Consider having people share some things God has done for them. Read a Psalm or two together and have people share what those words mean to them. Singing can be a great way to worship, but it's not the only way. Just make sure you include a few minutes of acknowledging that you're gathering to meet with God. And if you have kids with you, make sure they're able to participate as well. Small gatherings with children can be some of the most meaningful worship experiences if you do as Jesus says and "let the little children come to me."

  2. Read Scripture. Take the assigned passage for the week or choose your own direction here. Go ahead and have someone read it out loud. (If you have some older children, this could be a great role for them to play.) Reading Scripture out loud is powerful.

  3. Watch the message. Each week, we will record a short video message and post it on Friday on the homepage. It should be enough to get you started, but really, we believe God will speak to you most through your community! That brings us to…

  4. Talk about Scripture.Take some time to reflect on that passage of Scripture. Feel free to keep it informal by simply asking questions like, "What stands out to you in this passage?" or "How should these words shape who we are and what we do today?”You can have someone teach on these passages and concepts or you can all have a discussion together. The important thing is that you all hear the word of God and respond to it. Once again, if you have children in your group, be sure to include them. It’s a great exercise for adults to discuss spiritual concepts in a way that a kid can understand, but it’s also powerful to see God and Scripture through the eyes of a child. 

  5. Pray together. Spend some time praying as a family. Pray for each other's needs, celebrate each other's victories, and ask God to form First Baptist Church into a family on mission.

  6. After the gathering is over, let us know how it went. We'd like to be able to share with the church how many people met in homes this week, so send us quick note letting us know which home you all met in and roughly how many people gathered with you Also, if you get a chance to snap a photo of your gathering, we’d love to share what’s happening with the broader church community. 

  7. That's it! We're all praying that these times will be rich and will have an impact on our church family.