These are the five core values that define the attitude, the ethos, of Creekside Church (formerly First Baptist Church). Five things that, when people ask what First Baptist Church is all about, will (or should!) determine your response.
Of course, my hope is that when people ask you that question, the very first thing that comes to mind is that we are all about following Jesus and making more and more followers of Jesus. That motive, that mission, is indeed the driving force behind everything that we do. But every driving force needs a set of guardrails to keep that force from careening off a cliff, and that’s what this is all about. While the focus of our church is on following Jesus (we believe that’s the only thing truly worth doing), the nature of our church, the kind of church that we are, is reflected in what we call our core values. My prayer is that these values would be reflected upon, wrestled with, prayed over, pursued, shared, and owned, that when others would look over our community and our interactions with one another and beyond, these values would be reflected clearly.
Every week, we are covering a different value. There is no order to these, there is no hierarchy. Just attitudes, perspectives, mindsets, and identity markers that we consider important and worth talking about, worth modeling, and worth being.