365-Books of Law (2025)

The Bible is not a book, but rather a collection of books. Much a like a library it contains many genres including: law, history, poetry, prophesy, gospels, and letters. But this library is all telling the same story about a God who longs to be in relationship with humanity, but they often turn away in search of something else. The consequence of this choice is death, but God promises to bless all the nations through one man. This one man is Jesus of Nazareth. He is to show what the kingdom of God is like, to restore the relationship between humanity and God. He does this through his death and resurrection. He has victory over death, and by faith in him we can share in this victory. Jesus will return again to judge the earth.

This story is understood from studying the books of the Bible. We are committed to learning the whole Bible in 365 days. When we seek the truth, we will find it. The first five books in the Bible are called books of law, or the Pentateuch. They include Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

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