Week 1 Reading Guide

The Story of Beginnings

Genesis 1-11

Big Idea: In the beginning, God created a perfect world, one that reflected His character, goodness, and love. As we read the creation story, we see God's design for life and relationship with Him. But even in the beauty of creation, the seeds of the Gospel are sown. The promise of redemption begins when humanity rebels, and God responds with grace and a promise: one day, a Savior will crush the serpent and restore what was broken.

Reading Plan

Monday: Genesis 1-2 (Creation of the World)

Tuesday: Genesis 3-4 (The Fall and Cain/Abel)

Wednesday: Genesis 5-6 (Genealogy and Noah's Call)

Thursday: Genesis 7-8 (The Flood)

Friday: Genesis 9-10 (Covenant with Noah and Nations)

Saturday: Genesis 11 (Tower of Babel)

Weekly DNA Questions


  • What do you see in the world today that reflects the goodness of God’s creation?

  • How do the events of Gen. 3-4 (the Fall and Cain’s story) help explain the brokenness in human relationships and society?

  • In what ways does the story of Noah’s ark (Gen. 6-8) mirror the tension between God’s judgment and His mercy?


  • What personal struggles make it hard to trust that God’s creation is “very good”?

  • When you face moments of failure or sin, how do you respond to God, and how is that similar to or different from Adam and Eve’s response (Gen. 3)?

  • What emotions or thoughts arise when you consider God’s covenant with Noah, given the magnitude of the flood (Gen. 9)?


  • How can you reflect God’s creativity and care in your daily life this week?

  • Is there a broken relationship in your life where you need to extend forgiveness or seek reconciliation, inspired by God’s mercy in these chapters?

  • This week, what practical step can you take to honor God’s covenant promises—whether through worship, stewardship, or community-building? 

Key Verse: Genesis 1:27

So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female.

Journal Reflection

In what ways do you see the character of God in creation? How does the story of Adam and Eve’s sin reveal the depth of humanity’s need for a Savior? Take time to meditate on how God's plan of redemption, revealed in Genesis, points us to the hope found in Jesus. What does it mean for you today that God's grace was present from the very beginning?

Bible Project Videos

The Story of the Bible: A great introductory video to frame how the Bible tells a unified story, starting with creation and moving toward redemption.

Genesis 1-11 Overview: A thematic breakdown of Genesis 1-11, highlighting creation, the fall, the flood, and the Tower of Babel. Focuses on God’s purpose in creating a good world and humanity’s repeated rebellion.

The Image of God: Explains the concept of humanity being made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and how that shapes our identity and mission.


Week 2 Reading Guide