Week 8 Reading Guide
The Gospel of God's Presence and Grace
Exodus 32-40
Big Idea: Israel breaks their covenant with God by worshiping the golden calf, yet God responds with mercy. They deserve judgment, but Moses intercedes for them, pointing to Jesus, our true Mediator. Despite their failure, God renews His covenant and fills the tabernacle with His presence, foreshadowing how Jesus would dwell among us and restore our relationship with God.
Reading Plan
Monday: Exodus 32 (The Golden Calf and Moses’ Intercession)
Tuesday: Exodus 33-34 (God’s Presence and the Renewal of the Covenant)
Wednesday: Exodus 35-36 (Sabbath Observance and Offerings for the Tabernacle)
Thursday: Exodus 37-38 (Construction of the Ark, Table, Lampstand, and Altar)
Friday: Exodus 39-40 (Completion of the Tabernacle and God’s Glory Filling It)
Saturday: Reflection and catch-up; revisit passages, meditate on the week’s themes.
Weekly DNA Questions
What does the golden calf incident say about our tendency to turn away from God?
How does God’s response to Moses’ intercession demonstrate His justice and mercy?
What is the significance of God’s glory filling the Tabernacle in Exod. 40?
Have you ever experienced a moment where you felt distant from God due to your own choices? How did you experience His mercy and restoration?
How does the story of the golden calf challenge you to consider what idols you may be tempted to rely on instead of God?
In what ways do you long to see or feel God’s glory in your life and community?
Identify one area in your life where you need to turn away from a distraction or idol and renew your commitment to God.
Pray for someone you know who is struggling to experience God’s mercy, asking for His restoration in their life.
Take a moment this week to dwell in God’s presence, worshipping Him for His faithfulness despite human failure.
Key Verse: Exodus 34:6-7
The LORD—the LORD is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth, maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin. But he will not leave the guilty unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers’ iniquity on the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation.
Reflection for the Week
How does Israel’s rebellion reveal the human tendency to turn from God? In what ways does Moses’ intercession point forward to Jesus as our Mediator? Reflect on how God’s presence remained with His people despite their sin. How does knowing that Jesus secured your place in God’s presence give you confidence to seek Him, even when you fail?
Bible Project Videos
Exodus 19-40 Overview: Covers the themes of God’s covenant, Israel’s rebellion, and His presence in the Tabernacle.
The Character of God: Explores the declaration of God’s character in Exodus 34:6-7 and how it shapes our understanding of Him.
The Tabernacle: Explains how the Tabernacle symbolizes God’s desire to dwell with His people and points forward to Jesus.